Healthy Dog Food News


Do You Have a Dog Health Problem?

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I've been posting because we've moved across the country back to Cape Town. We've experienced our fair share of dog health problems along the way, but none since getting our hounds onto a healthy raw food diet.

I'm not kidding you! By feeding a healthy raw food diet containing meat, bones, vegetables and oils and fats, not to mention eggs, our dogs have been the picture of health.

It wasn't unusual for us to be at the vet 2 or even 3 times a month with various dog health problems. It was costing us a fortune and we where searching for a way to reverse the trend. The whole family got involved in finding a solution. Eventually a vet who we really trust told us about his findings. According to him, it's only in the last 15 years or so, that he has experienced the multitude of strange symptoms, cancer, weight problems, tooth decay and strange behaviour from his canine and feline patients. Yes, you guessed it, it's been that long since the introduction of highly processed animal feeds into the vet practices and specialist pet shops. It's not a coincidence.

The best thing you can do for your pet is get them off the commercial poison you are feeding them now. That includes all the high priced ones too. Our Pyrenean Mountain Dog bitch was put in a kennel prior to flying to our new home. She spent a total of 2 weeks in kenneling and we had no choice but to let them feed her commercial kibbles. She came home with the most horrendous ear discharge that smelled like it came from beyond the grave. Despite drops and pills, the vet at the kennel couldn't sort it out and we where told that this breed is prone to this sort of thing and she would require surgery to correct her ear-canal. What a lot of nonsense!

We put her straight onto a raw food diet with some extra supplements and washed out her ears with a mild ear wash. In 3 days the discharge was gone and by the end of the week the raw patches inside her ear where healing fine. So much for the state of current veterinary practice. The raw food, species specific diet saved my dearest pet from an uncomfortable condition that she should never have been in, in the first place.

Do yourself and your best friend a favour and change to a raw food diet now. It will save you money, prolong your pets life and health and the change in behaviour and temperament will astound you. Your days of dog health problems will be gone for ever.

There is some excellent advice on complete dog training here.

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